CLIENT: Airports Company South Africa SERVICES PROVIDED: Design and installation of Civil services

CLIENT: Airports Company South Africa
SERVICES PROVIDED: Design and installation of Civil services

As part of the T2010 contract, which was primarily for the construction of a new Departures Terminal, new civil engineering services were installed on the airside and land-side while the airport was kept fully operational.

Logistics required that new sewer lines be installed by directional drilling under roads and pedestrian walkways. Construction of new and rehabilitation of existing approach roads was included in the Contract. New sewer lines under roads and pedestrian walkways were installed by directional drilling.


Cape Town International Airport: Northern and Southern Delivery Roads.


Upgrade and Rehabilitation of Michigan and Tower Road Intersection.


N1 City Mall Redevelopment: Roads and Parking Areas.


Sable Square Development: Roads and Parking Areas for Phase 1 and 2.


Reconstruction of Jan Smuts Drive.


Robertson and McGregor: Nkqubela, Droëheuwel and Môreson Residential Roads.


Old Mutual: Northern Access Road from Voortrekker Road, including Bridge over Railway Lines.


Cape Town International Airport: Northern and Southern Delivery Roads.


Upgrade and Rehabilitation of Michigan and Tower Road Intersection.


N1 City Mall Redevelopment: Roads and Parking Areas.


Sable Square Development: Roads and Parking Areas for Phase 1 and 2.


Reconstruction of Jan Smuts Drive.


Robertson and McGregor: Nkqubela, Droëheuwel and Môreson Residential Roads.


Old Mutual: Northern Access Road from Voortrekker Road, including Bridge over Railway Lines.